Rethinking Design Thinking, remotely…

Rethinking Design Thinking, remotely…

How Design Thinking is managed and delivered is changing radically in this pandemic. We are all needing to adapt to uncertain, rapidly changing external conditions and governments are implementing different Coronavirus restrictions all over the world. In this environment pretty much all businesses are faced with major challenges; physical outlets are being closed down, and…

Now is the time for transformation, get the right people around you and go.

Now is the time for transformation, get the right people around you and go.

2020 has shown that now is the right time for digital transformation. Organizations cannot afford to put if off any more, and many of those who have started, need to tear up the playbook and get with the program. The events of 2020 have sent many companies into meltdown and the disruption of a global…

Thinking robot futures

Thinking robot futures

Before the pandemic, you would have been forgiven for thinking robots were mostly used in the manufacturing sector (and at Amazon of course) but the crisis has both accelerated their use across a wider range of sectors. Robots are now making meaningful contributions in wildly disparate industries like fashion, food, small components manufacturing, energy, and…

The radically changing landscape of transport

The radically changing landscape of transport

Public transport as an industry was having a tough time. Train franchisees were being re-nationalised as they struggled to achieve what became clear were overly optimistic revenue targets. Bus operators were faring little better fighting to create enough profit to be able to maintain and reinvest in their fleet. Then COVID-19 arrived. It has had…