Digital Transformation: Navigating the Future

Digital Transformation: Navigating the Future

The wave of digitalization is sweeping across industries, reshaping traditional business models and ushering in a new era of operations. Digital transformation is not just about integrating technology into business processes; it’s about reimagining how businesses operate and deliver value to their customers. At the heart of this transformation is the customer experience. With consumers…

The Importance of Team Building in Remote Work

The Importance of Team Building in Remote Work

In the digital age, the dynamics of the workplace have shifted dramatically. With the rise of remote work, teams are spread across cities, countries, and even continents. This geographical dispersion brings its own set of challenges, chief among them being the potential erosion of team cohesion. Without the daily rituals of office life—morning greetings, coffee…

The Future of Sustainable Fashion

The Future of Sustainable Fashion

Fashion, often seen as a reflection of society’s zeitgeist, is undergoing a transformation. As environmental concerns take center stage, the fashion industry is being nudged towards sustainability. But sustainable fashion is not just an environmental imperative; it’s a statement about conscious living. Every piece of clothing has a backstory—from the fields where the raw materials…

3 ways to create great experience dashboards and improve your digital success

3 ways to create great experience dashboards and improve your digital success

For high-performing digital products and services, experience dashboards are a vital tool to keep the team focussed on what really matters – the customer. An experience dashboard must help you and your team monitor KPI’s and drive priorities and actions. Experience (or customer experience) dashboards are about delivering the right data, in the right format,…

The three key inputs you need to create your digital strategy

The three key inputs you need to create your digital strategy

To create a great digital strategy you need the right inputs. As Zig Ziglar puts it… Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future. And a digital strategy is the output that gives you the vision of your future.  So what are the inputs and how do…

Now is the time for transformation, get the right people around you and go.

Now is the time for transformation, get the right people around you and go.

2020 has shown that now is the right time for digital transformation. Organizations cannot afford to put if off any more, and many of those who have started, need to tear up the playbook and get with the program. The events of 2020 have sent many companies into meltdown and the disruption of a global…

Thinking robot futures

Thinking robot futures

Before the pandemic, you would have been forgiven for thinking robots were mostly used in the manufacturing sector (and at Amazon of course) but the crisis has both accelerated their use across a wider range of sectors. Robots are now making meaningful contributions in wildly disparate industries like fashion, food, small components manufacturing, energy, and…