
Our team is stable and turnover is low.

Build a team of missionaries, not mercenaries.

You will never get a stable, high performing team if they are just there for the money. Demand for developers has gone through the roof during COVID and the trend looks to continue with businesses focusing more and more on digital transformation. The result is many developers are frequently swapping jobs for ever-increasing salaries or more interesting work. 

One of the keys to staff retention is to have them understand and share in the purpose of the business. Staff that are working for a purpose and far more motivated than just if they are just working for a paycheck. The people who work for Apple do not see themselves as being there to make and sell electronics but as Tim Cook explains they are there to bring the best user experience to its customers. 

Missionaries not mercenaries

The other part of creating missionaries is to connect them to the value and benefit of the product they are creating. At Carleton Digital we always arrange for our development teams to meet the users of the product and hear first-hand how the product that they are building has benefited them. To listen to what users love about the product and hear their ideas for improvement or new features. This connection changes perception. Developers are no longer writing meaningless lines of code, they are improving people’s experiences and at times improving their lives. 

If you do these two things you will have a team of missionaries on a collective journey to create products that change people’s lives. They will be motivated, hard working, self-starting and loyal. You still need to look after them and pay them well but that’s true for all staff.

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